Issues and Trends in Media

An Inquiry

Technology circa 2020

dayofglassThis week’s research is on what technology will be like around 2020.  And, since a picture is worth a thousand words I will let these videos speak volumes on how exciting that future is going to be!  Please share you thoughts after you watch these videos.  I was envious of the school children and would have loved learning in that environment.  Especially how they were learning about color and light and getting to interact and see those properties in their true form.  (For example, in terms of light black is the absence of light and that all the colors together make white.  But in print, all the colors together make a brownish gray color.)  You’ll see what we what mean when you watch the videos.

This news article from NBC includes some of the possibilities mentioned in the youTube videos along with the predictions. By 2020, our world will be even more advanced than it is today. The smartphones you currently use could be a thing of the past (which means the “dumb” phone Jason is using today will be an antique). While we talk about how this technology will change our world, the video shows how classroom life will evolve as well. I did find it interesting to see that going to a physical building for school will still exist, just the technology inside of it will change. But as technology implementations always seem to go in the education market, someone will buy a classroom set of “glass”, but not train teachers or afford repairs on the equipment.

3 comments on “Technology circa 2020

  1. maureenbwalters
    April 18, 2013

    Interestingly enough, I just read an article about 2020 on CNN about how google thinks the whole world will be on the internet by then.

  2. comperera
    April 21, 2013

    That is fascinating. I do think that there are a lot of barriers to be overcome to actually get to this point, but we’re on the road to this type of technology already. If people are seriously working on it, then it is only a matter of of time till we get there. It will be interesting to see how things are by 2020, but something like this would definitely change the way we interact and work in life.

  3. schledorn
    April 22, 2013

    I loved these videos. The technology curve has been getting steeper and steeper over the past 20 years, I can’t wait to see where we’ll be by 2020. It’s fascinating to think of current 10 year olds. When they’re my age they may think a mouse is old technology (while I still hold on to mine).

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This entry was posted on April 16, 2013 by in Online Higher Education.